Embark on an adventure through time and robotics with the exclusive Ugears 2-in-1 set, featuring captivating wooden mechanical models – the Triceratops and the Hexapod Explorer. This set is perfect for those who love dinosaurs, robotics, and the thrill of exploration.
The Triceratops ("three horned face") is a dynamic, mechanical DIY wooden model of the dominant herbivore of the late Cretaceous period. The mode is driven by a metal spring which transmits power through a reduction gear, turning the axle that drives the four legs. An eccentric gear sets the tail swaying in synchronous motion with the legs, helping the dinosaur walk smoothly, just as in nature.
The Hexapod Explorer, driven by a powerful spring motor, can walk up to 3 meters on its own legs, without need of an auxiliary or supporting wheel like other models have. The ability to bear its own weight, on the legs alone, allows the Hexapod Explorer to navigate slightly rough terrain, like a planetary rover stepping out of the capsule to explore new worlds. Another amazing feature that makes our walker unique is that the Hexapod Explorer comes with a variable speed dial. You can make your robo-bug creep, crawl, or skitter at any speed you want!
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Assembling without glue and chemicals
Details are already cut and ready to assemble
The models produce motion
Perfect for family projects through hands-on STEM learning